Wattle Seed

$12.00 - $95.00


Wattle Seed flavour when medium roasted is nutty, creamy and has tones of mocha. This versatile taste means you can use it in either savoury or sweet applications.

The seed of the Acacia Victorea is roasted to enhance the normally subtle creamy nutty flavour. The length of time roasted intensifies the mocha flavour.

Grinding the seeds releases the unique flavours. The fine consistency of the grinding makes this product easy to add to most dishes.

As well as tasting good, nutritionally wattle seed is high in protein at around 20% and is a complex carbohydrate making it a low GI food.

It can be used to improve nutritional value of foods.

Tips and Ideas

  • Works well with dairy, in all forms, as this enhances the flavour profile
  • Moisture releases the flavour after the dry roasting and helps infuse the flavour.
  • If possible allow time for the infusion of flavour
  • When using only the infused liquid the remaining solids can be reused as the intense flavour remains within the ground seed.
  • Can be used in a plunger as a coffee alternative for a caffeine-free drink